UAEA Legislative Action

Georgiana Simpson, Rural and Underserved Populations Advocacy Committee, UAEA

Teaching is both science and art; proven research and skilled delivery drives best practices. We follow rigorous standards painstakingly constructed by the Utah State Board of Education and their many education partners. The art of teaching involves building a deep and wide toolbox, then knowing when to pull out the tool that best serves each individual in the classroom. In the middle of a lesson, if there is a better way to help one or a number of scholars access that day’s learning, I should have the freedom and support to do what is best for each scholar in that moment

H.B.0234, Representative Teuscher’s Public Educator Curriculum Transparency Requirements bill, would rob all teachers of this best practice by requiring administrative notification before making a curriculum change. It also places an unnecessary additional busywork burden on many teachers and administrators who are already working well beyond contract hours to help scholars realize Portrait of a Graduate ideals. 

In recent months, we have witnessed increasing attacks on the education profession which strikes at the heart of those of us who care deeply about our children and their future. Legislation such as H.B. 0234 places undue and unnecessary additional tasks on teachers and administrators, thus further shrinking valuable planning time, the carefully crafted pre-instruction work which best facilitates high quality learning. Transparency already exists through open disclosure statements as well as grading and learning platforms such as Aspire and Canvas to which parents have access. For example, through classroom platforms like Canvas, parents have access to daily slides, assignments, and most, if not, all support materials. Parents can also see feedback and learning demonstrated through Canvas or other types of online portfolios.

Most importantly, scholar and family concerns are best addressed through building authentic relationships with our children’s educators, meaning administrators, teachers, paraeducators, bus drivers, and other support staff, all who foster scholar learning every school day. Mine and my husband’s adherence to this last and most important principal allowed for many years of constructive dialogue between my family and the many dedicated individuals who served us as we worked to provide our two redheads the best education possible both inside and outside the San Juan School District system. 

As of this moment, it looks like Representative Teuscher will not be presenting H.B.0234 during this session, rather placing it on the Education Committee interim meetings agenda during the spring or summer; we must remain vigilant. Here is a link to his most recent statement regarding this legislation.

With that said, let us instead support bills such as H.B.0273, Representative Johnson’s Civics Engagement Amendments, which opens the door to an expansion of educational opportunities, legislation that is additive to the learning experience for both teachers and their students. This amendment can possibly provide for community art-making partnerships whereby joining resources with, for example, Utah Division of Arts and Museums for professional artist/development, can provide additional resources for materials and transportation for civic participation in mural or garden projects. Reach out to your legislators and let them know what it truly means to be an amazing teaching professional! Let them know you are looking for their continuing support to do what is best for educators AND learners. Go to to find your legislator and learn more about current legislation.

Georgiana Kennedy Simpson

Visual Arts Coach/Sterling Scholar Adviser/Leadership Team/Mentor Teacher/10th Grade Lead

Whitehorse High School (7th - 12th): Teacher of the Year, SY17 and SY22

Hope Street Group/Utah Teacher Fellow

Sorenson Legacy Award for Excellence in Arts Education: 2020 Outstanding Secondary Level

San Juan School District Fine Arts Lead

Utah Art Education Association, Rural & Underserved Populations Advocacy Committee, Chair

Mother of Two Well-Educated, Well-Balanced College Students/Human Beings


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